Teaching services:

  • Contemporary classes generally consisting of Cunningham/Release technique aspects and integrated floorwork throughout. Imagery is a key element for me and participants are encouraged to support one another and to take risks in order to realise where their limits lie. I draw from and can lead Rambert Grades syllabus classes - the content of which I was part of creating.

  • Creative dance classes varying in content depending on the age range, but comprising of a suitable combination of improvisation and choreographic tasks to challenge and ignite the imaginations of the participants. Creative sessions with young children will also incorporate elements of story-telling and drawing inspiration from characters/animals/objects to inform their movement.

  • Ballet classes that hone in on the necessity of personal discipline and understanding one’s anatomy. I aim to find a relatable and slightly untraditional way of connecting to the movement - often drawing inspirations from the contemporary side of my training.

  • Tap classes of a range of levels, including a little syllabus work. Musicality is something I see as a strength of mine personally, and so this drives my enjoyment of this dance style and my approach to teaching it.

  • Modern. I have taught syllabus Modern at a variety of levels. Again, I draw from my contemporary and ballet training to encourage expansiveness coupled with control.

  • Body Conditioning classes that take participants through a warm-up, cardiovascular training, strength circuit training and intense stretching (with yoga influences); all tailored to aid a dancing body.


Private Lessons

Private tuition can be a fantastic alternative to learning in a group environment. For some, this can be more within their comfort zone and is a more accessible route into dance. There is also huge value in having one’s undivided attention and receiving feedback completely tailored to the individual. As well as offering technique based classes, I also offer choreography coaching/assistance; perhaps for students or those simply interested in creating their own movement, audition coaching/preparation, performance preparation and mentoring. These classes are are offered in person or online.


I lead half or full day workshops for schools, dance schools and any other organisation who desires a more intensive dance experience. Workshops can be themed and remain based on one dance genre or a combination of genres. For example, a children’s contemporary workshop could consist of a warm-up technique class, creative session/s where they would work collaboratively, a structuring of the material they create into a longer piece and a presentation of that work to culminate the day. I offer Rambert Grades workshops where we can delve into the material and empower both students and teachers to continue exploring the content.

Dance schools

If you are a dance school looking for a teacher, I have worked for a huge spectrum of dance schools varying in size and strengths. The variety of experiences I have had and the people I have worked with have enabled me to learn a great deal and to understand the ins and outs of how a dance school is run. Please refer to my ‘Work’ to gain an in depth insight into my experience; within it I have had the pleasure of teaching across the majority of dance genres, I have facilitated children’s exams with commendable results and I have choreographed work for a number of small and larger scale performances.

Please contact me for any further information/rates. I mostly work in and around London but am happy to travel further afield too.